marketing communications
kidney health advocate
marketing communications
copywriting + editing + review & refresh
kidney health advocate
To celebrate 30 years of the NHS Organ Donation Register, write about my personal experience of receiving an organ donation and being a volunteer peer supporter for the NKF.
Write LinkedIn articles on the subject of ‘Acceptance’ and ‘Expectations’ for and in collaboration with Julia Rogers of Coaching 42.
My conversation with Alex Hirst (co-founder of Hoxby) on how #Workstyle is helping me manage my wellbeing and my business.
Are there places in your home that make you shudder every time you look at them? It could be your spare bedroom which looks like . . .
A critical analysis of ‘The Crucible’ by Arthur Miller performed at the Gielgud Theatre, London in 2006.
I shared my experiences of living with kidney disease and how it has affected my mental health in these two articles written by Kidney Research.
Loneliness is such a big thing in our lives that in collaboration with Julia Rogers I wrote three articles. . .
A critical analysis of ‘Heroes’ by Gérald Sibleyras (translated by Tom Stoppard) and performed at the Wyndham’s Theatre, London in 2005.
Staying in is the new going out. And the kitchen, being at the heart of your home, is the perfect place to base yourself and unleash your untapped creativity. . .
Epping at the Movies is a not-for-profit community cinema run solely by volunteers. . .